Tuesday, November 14, 2006


If you listen to enough Alex Jones you hear him talk about the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm. If he would have explained it as the Hegellian dialectic, thesis-antithesis-synthesis then I would have understood it a lot sooner- but I'm sure that puts me in the minority.

So what is the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm? Perhaps it is best explained by example. The 1999 WTO Seattle riots were caused by government provocatuers. Police State II chronicles this. So why would the government intentionally cause riots, damaging a lot of business in the process? In the aftermath a no-protest-zone was created, and subsequent WTO meeting held in unpopulated places like the Canadian Rockies. But what was really important was the precedent set. Watch Police State II if you have any doubt that the black bloc were government provacatuers.

Some additional links illustrating the use of this paradigm
Neo-Nazi Leader Was MI6 Agent
McGuinness Was An Agent For MI6
IRA Searches For Proof that Agent J118 Existed
Operation Gladio
Were British Special Forces planting bombs in Basra?

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