Saturday, November 18, 2006

London 7/7

I pulled this from the July 7th Truth Site.

In my opinion, the most salient facts of 7/7 are the drill, and the #30 bus- which was quite strangely diverted that morning. I want to note that Power never said that 1,000 people were involved in the drill, but that it was a company of 1,000 people. Who was this company?

July 7th Anomalies, Coincidences & Unanswered Questions

  • By midday on July 7th Blair was pointing the finger at 'these people who oppose our way of life'. Since then a racist 'trial by media' has taken place on the basis of no evidence. Instead of a powerful judicial Inquiry we are offered a 'narrative' written by a civil servant. Why? Who benefits? Bush and Blair lied about Iraq and fixed 'intelligence' reports around the invasion plan. After Kelly/Hutton, should we accept just a 'narrative'?

  • Peter Power, ex-Scotland Yard Anti-Terrorist operative, was running a 1,000 man terror drill rehearsing bombs going off in precisely the stations they did that morning and told the BBC: " half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing upright!" (Similar unbelievable 'co-incidences' happened on 9/11 involving air defence and emergency 'exercises')

  • BOMBERS COULD NOT HAVE CAUGHT THE 7.40am TRAIN FROM LUTON - The Met claimed the alleged bombers caught the 7.40 Thameslink train from Luton to Kings Cross but this train was CANCELLED. BBC2's Horizon reported that they caught the 7.48 train. This train arrived in London at 8.43, some 17 minutes AFTER the police say they have CCTV of the men at King's Cross. If the alleged bombers caught an earlier train from Luton then SHOW US THE EVIDENCE and explain the inconsistencies.

  • NO CCTV FOOTAGE SHOWN OF THE FOUR ALLEGED BOMBERS IN LONDON! Why? Since when did one poor-quality photograph in which three of the faces cannot be identified, said to be taken 30 miles away at Luton, count as conclusive evidence?

  • What happened to the seven explosions originally reported and the timings of 8.51, 8.56 & 9.17? Many survivors reported electrocution, sparks and explosions OUTSIDE trains. Which came first, explosions or power surges? Why don't the police admit there were TWO trains with fatalities on the Piccadilly line (trains 331 & 311)?

  • Many anomalies surround the Number 30 bus, the only one reported to be diverted that morning, which was iconically (and strangely) de-roofed outside the BMA. Later, Ian Johnston, Chief Constable of the BTP wrote to the BMA stating, "Three of my officers were travelling behind the bus when the bomb exploded.” Despite this, after helping the injured off his bus, the driver disappeared only to re-appear seven miles away in Acton. And, fearing more explosions, police reported a 'microwave box' on the lower-deck [CNJ].

  • Very strong SIS infiltration of Muslim communities,including Beeston/Leeds. When interviewed by the BBC about the Sidique Khan video, his friends said that the character in the video was not him! (Digital video editing & CGI techniques are incredibly advanced.)

  • War OF Terror: 'IslamoFascism' is the mask behind which the real globalist-fascists, scheming for their New World Order, have repeatedly hidden. Madrid came 911 days after 9/11 - even The Times reported that the explosives man was a top police informer. And funny how the CCTV cameras at the station didn't work, just like the 911 airports and the 30 bus. New York, Madrid, Bali, Jordan and now London. Who and where next?

  • How States work: Inside job frame-ups are routine operations when ruling fraternities want another war or more police-state powers. Intelligence services like the SS, CIA, Mossad and MI6 have been internationally recognised for encouraging or directly engin- eering terrorist atrocities (Reichstag Fire, Bologna station, Berlin disco bombing, Lockerbie, and now Samarra mosque). These 'black ops' are also known as 'false flag terrorism' because they throw the blame onto innocents allegedly linked to the enemy of today - the Left, Irish, Blacks, Muslims. See also Webster Tarpley, 'Synthetic Terrorism – Made in USA' and D. Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies' (fine academic text, Cass, 2005)

  • In 2003-2005 several 'War on Terror' companies, including some based in Tavistock Square, landed tube engineering and security contracts [now the Bush-run Carlyle Group will be looking after our airports!]. TFL head Bob Kiley was once assistant to the director of the CIA. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was in London for a TASE/Deutsche Bank conference at the Great Eastern hotel (just by Liverpool St) where ex-Mayor Giuliani, of NY-9/11 infamy, was staying. Germany's leading Sunday paper reported head of Mossad confirming that Netanyahu received advance bomb warnings.

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