Thursday, November 30, 2006

Israeli Spying

I decided to embed all 4 parts because this is so amazing.

This is a very interesting story, both for what is said in the report itself, but also for the reaction following this report.

Listen to all 4 parts.
I must say this is really amazing stuff. How does a story like this come out on Fox News?

My theory is that Carl Cameron got ahold of this story from honest members in government who wanted to see this story come out, but couldn't come forward themselves, probably because they were under some sort of gag order. Fox News had no choice but to air his report. Why? Because thoroughly researched stories like this can not just be "shelved" easily. Cameron could easily turn on Fox as a result. That would then be too much for the left-media (or for what passes for the left-media) to ignore and the story could get big as a result. Better to air the story like it is no big deal, and allow it to go away.

But how could this story possibily go away? And how is it that just now I am learning about this, even though I have been looking into 9/11 et al. for a few months.

Transcript of all 4 parts

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

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