Thursday, November 30, 2006
Israeli Spying
This is a very interesting story, both for what is said in the report itself, but also for the reaction following this report.
Listen to all 4 parts. I must say this is really amazing stuff. How does a story like this come out on Fox News?
My theory is that Carl Cameron got ahold of this story from honest members in government who wanted to see this story come out, but couldn't come forward themselves, probably because they were under some sort of gag order. Fox News had no choice but to air his report. Why? Because thoroughly researched stories like this can not just be "shelved" easily. Cameron could easily turn on Fox as a result. That would then be too much for the left-media (or for what passes for the left-media) to ignore and the story could get big as a result. Better to air the story like it is no big deal, and allow it to go away.
But how could this story possibily go away? And how is it that just now I am learning about this, even though I have been looking into 9/11 et al. for a few months.
Transcript of all 4 parts
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Daniel Pearl and the Pakistani/ ISI Connection
9/11 And the Smoking Gun that Turned on its Tracker
This article is absolutely excellent and I highly recommend it. This is one of the major angles of 9/11 that hasn't gotten nearly enough attention, and we can learn a lot about how the game is played from it.
I have to say that this article is just simply amazing.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics
Read this last night and thought it was pretty good and funny.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
The Planet Mancow Segment
I thought that Smith was ok. He was given an opportunity to name some former government officials and he missed the ball. He should have mentioned Paul Craig Roberts, a former Undersecretary of Treasury under Reagan. Or Ronald Ray, an Undersecretary of Defense under Reagan. Or how about career CIA agent Ray McGovern. And the list goes on. When 9/11 truth people go on these shows they need to have all of this stuff at the tip of their tounge.
Much of this so called debate centers around the WTC collapse. I urge everyone to watch Improbable Collapse, which I have linked to on the side. It explains the physics and the engineering principles. These buildings were engineered to withstand the impact and fires from jet airplanes.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
London 7/7
I pulled this from the July 7th Truth Site.
In my opinion, the most salient facts of 7/7 are the drill, and the #30 bus- which was quite strangely diverted that morning. I want to note that Power never said that 1,000 people were involved in the drill, but that it was a company of 1,000 people. Who was this company?
July 7th Anomalies, Coincidences & Unanswered Questions
By midday on July 7th Blair was pointing the finger at 'these people who oppose our way of life'. Since then a racist 'trial by media' has taken place on the basis of no evidence. Instead of a powerful judicial Inquiry we are offered a 'narrative' written by a civil servant. Why? Who benefits? Bush and Blair lied about Iraq and fixed 'intelligence' reports around the invasion plan. After Kelly/Hutton, should we accept just a 'narrative'?
Peter Power, ex-Scotland Yard Anti-Terrorist operative, was running a 1,000 man terror drill rehearsing bombs going off in precisely the stations they did that morning and told the BBC: " half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing upright!" (Similar unbelievable 'co-incidences' happened on 9/11 involving air defence and emergency 'exercises')
BOMBERS COULD NOT HAVE CAUGHT THE 7.40am TRAIN FROM LUTON - The Met claimed the alleged bombers caught the 7.40 Thameslink train from Luton to Kings Cross but this train was CANCELLED. BBC2's Horizon reported that they caught the 7.48 train. This train arrived in London at 8.43, some 17 minutes AFTER the police say they have CCTV of the men at King's Cross. If the alleged bombers caught an earlier train from Luton then SHOW US THE EVIDENCE and explain the inconsistencies.
NO CCTV FOOTAGE SHOWN OF THE FOUR ALLEGED BOMBERS IN LONDON! Why? Since when did one poor-quality photograph in which three of the faces cannot be identified, said to be taken 30 miles away at Luton, count as conclusive evidence?
What happened to the seven explosions originally reported and the timings of 8.51, 8.56 & 9.17? Many survivors reported electrocution, sparks and explosions OUTSIDE trains. Which came first, explosions or power surges? Why don't the police admit there were TWO trains with fatalities on the Piccadilly line (trains 331 & 311)?
Many anomalies surround the Number 30 bus, the only one reported to be diverted that morning, which was iconically (and strangely) de-roofed outside the BMA. Later, Ian Johnston, Chief Constable of the BTP wrote to the BMA stating, "Three of my officers were travelling behind the bus when the bomb exploded.” Despite this, after helping the injured off his bus, the driver disappeared only to re-appear seven miles away in Acton. And, fearing more explosions, police reported a 'microwave box' on the lower-deck [CNJ].
Very strong SIS infiltration of Muslim communities,including Beeston/Leeds. When interviewed by the BBC about the Sidique Khan video, his friends said that the character in the video was not him! (Digital video editing & CGI techniques are incredibly advanced.)
War OF Terror: 'IslamoFascism' is the mask behind which the real globalist-fascists, scheming for their New World Order, have repeatedly hidden. Madrid came 911 days after 9/11 - even The Times reported that the explosives man was a top police informer. And funny how the CCTV cameras at the station didn't work, just like the 911 airports and the 30 bus. New York, Madrid, Bali, Jordan and now London. Who and where next?
How States work: Inside job frame-ups are routine operations when ruling fraternities want another war or more police-state powers. Intelligence services like the SS, CIA, Mossad and MI6 have been internationally recognised for encouraging or directly engin- eering terrorist atrocities (Reichstag Fire, Bologna station, Berlin disco bombing, Lockerbie, and now Samarra mosque). These 'black ops' are also known as 'false flag terrorism' because they throw the blame onto innocents allegedly linked to the enemy of today - the Left, Irish, Blacks, Muslims. See also Webster Tarpley, 'Synthetic Terrorism – Made in USA' and D. Ganser, 'Nato's Secret Armies' (fine academic text, Cass, 2005)
In 2003-2005 several 'War on Terror' companies, including some based in Tavistock Square, landed tube engineering and security contracts [now the Bush-run Carlyle Group will be looking after our airports!]. TFL head Bob Kiley was once assistant to the director of the CIA. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was in London for a TASE/Deutsche Bank conference at the Great Eastern hotel (just by Liverpool St) where ex-Mayor Giuliani, of NY-9/11 infamy, was staying. Germany's leading Sunday paper reported head of Mossad confirming that Netanyahu received advance bomb warnings.
The Story of Jean Charles de Menezes
Screen grab from Jean Charles de Menezes' body laying in a Tube carriage after the shooting at Stockwell |
Wikipedia article
Row over blank CCTV tapes
Police Shot Brazillian 8 Times
Tube CCTV: Was there a coverup?
Brazillian did not wear bulky jacket
New special forces unit tailed Brazillian
I find this story quite interesting, but it is very hard to figure out what to make of it. I think one of the most interesting things are the eyewitnesses who flat out lied. And then of course a rape allegation comes out and DNA tests proves Menezes wasn't responsible.
And the fact that special forces were involved. They tracked him down, followed him onto the train- which he paid for using his "Oyster card", shot him in the head 8 times, lied about pretty much every detail, and supressed the CCTV evidence. Wow.
The story is out, all from mainstream British sources like the BBC and The Guardian, but where is the expose? Where is the story that ties it all together?
In my opinion de Menezes knew too much, so they hunted him down and killed him. But why do it so publicly? I think de Menezes had information about the London bombers because he was friends with one of them- but that is just pure speculation.
Timeline: The Killing Jean Charles de Menezes
Ok, so he was only shot 7 times in the head, once in the shoulder, but they missed with 3 shots. So that is a total of 11 shots.
A BBC Program on the Shooting
Wow. Just watching the first 1:30 its clear that this programme is colouring the facts. It shows him practically running down the steps when we know that wasn't the case. He wasn't worried about missing the train and he had enough time to calmly pick up a free newspaper.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Improbable Collapse
Finally a movie that really explains the engineering. This is one of the very best 9/11 movies. The first 10 or so minutes are a little fluffy, but then its great.
I believe thats called a massacre. This clip exposes so much.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
What is a salient fact?
Main Entry: 1sa·lient Pronunciation: 'sA-ly&nt, -lE-&nt Function: adjective Etymology: Latin salient-, saliens, present participle of salire to leap -- more at SALLY 1 : moving by leaps or springs : JUMPING 2 : jetting upward salient fountain> 3 a : projecting beyond a line, surface, or level b : standing out conspicuously : PROMINENT; especially : of notable significance synonym see NOTICEABLE - sa·lient·ly adverb |
A salient fact is a fact that takes us up a level.
much much more on this
Noam Chomsky on 9/11 Conspiracy
The JFK Assasination II: Conspiracy Phobia on the Left
This article is fantastic and it is a must read.
Or we could just show the Zapruder film and show that Chomsky has some serious problems if he believes Kennedy was shot from a 5th floor window a few hundred feet behind him. Please watch the Kennedy assasination film.
Micheal Parenti & Blowback
Of course, now we have to tackle Micheal Parenti, who seems to be in denial about 9/11 himself. In all honesty, I don't know what to make of it. I do plan on reading his 1996 book, Dirty Truths. One thing I really like about this article is the authors point about metaphor, truth, and meaning.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Occam's Razor
Conspiracy theory. "You're just a conspiracy nutjob". "Anyone who belives in that stuff has the i.q. of an eggplant".
Believe it or not, the simplest explanation for the things going on in this world today is the conspiracy theory. A good theory has to account for all of the phenomena observed. If there are competing theories than the simplest theory is most likely the correct one.
Much more on this to come.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
There are a lot of lies and disinformation out there about Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, hopefully this movie will clear up any doubts you may or may not have about him. There is no doubt that Chavez is a man of the people.
This movie takes place in April 2002, when Venezuela underwent a time of crisis. Chavez was attempting to redistribute some of the state-owned Oil company's money to the people that it properly belonged to, and he faced coup-attempt from the Venezuelan elites. This movie is an upfront seat to the history that transpired, and I highly recommend it.
Several months ago, in the spring I think, my girlfriend got an email forwarded to her from my roommate about Venezuela and Hugo Chavez. And it talked about Cindy Sheehan (the woman who's son was killed in Iraq) and her meeting with Chavez, and apparently they said some controversial things- I don't remember what- and the email asked the we all boycott Citgo gas stations since they are owned by Venezuela.
And this prompted a decent debate between us, but I have liked Chavez ever since I learned about his free heating oil program. But I didn't really know too much about Chavez. But I do know that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and when people like Pat Robertson start calling for Chavez to be assasinated, then Chavez becomes my friend pretty quickly. There is where the 'who would Jesus assasinate?' comes from, if you remember that phrase floating around.
Well, after watching this movie he.......
9/11 Press For Truth
This movie features the so called 'Jersey Girls', who were apparently instrumental in getting the 9/11 Commision established. In my review of it I called it 'pure fluff'. It is very well made and probably the most professional of the 9/11 films. So why then is it pure fluff?
Press for Truth focuses almost solely on the aftermath of 9/11. And, it doesn't in fact present a very damning case. But I didn't learn too much from it. What was interesting was hearing a little bit more about the CIA/Pakistani-ISI/Taliban connection. At every single facet of 9/11, the true story does not comport with the official paradigm.
I suppose for some people this movie would be helpful in bringing them closer to the truth. I think that looking at a few pictures and understanding a few simple facts is easier, but for those who need it the hard way I recomend this.
So what is the Problem-Reaction-Solution paradigm? Perhaps it is best explained by example. The 1999 WTO Seattle riots were caused by government provocatuers. Police State II chronicles this. So why would the government intentionally cause riots, damaging a lot of business in the process? In the aftermath a no-protest-zone was created, and subsequent WTO meeting held in unpopulated places like the Canadian Rockies. But what was really important was the precedent set. Watch Police State II if you have any doubt that the black bloc were government provacatuers.
Some additional links illustrating the use of this paradigm
Neo-Nazi Leader Was MI6 Agent
McGuinness Was An Agent For MI6
IRA Searches For Proof that Agent J118 Existed
Operation Gladio
Were British Special Forces planting bombs in Basra?
9/11 The Myth and the Reality
I highly recomend this. This features Dr. David Ray Griffin, who has written several books related to 9-11. There are some points of disagreement that I have with Griffin, and they all relate to the endgame of 9-11.
Ashland, OR Newspaper Calls For 9-11 Investigation
Apparently this is the first newspaper in the U.S. to call for an independent investigation. In the Griffin movie above I thought it was funny how it was CNN Headline News' Showbiz Tonight that tried to arrange a debate on 9-11, but they couldn't find anyone in the government who would come on. Thats not really that funny, but I used to make fun of Julaine for watching Showbiz Tonight (and reading trashy publications like Us Magazine), and the fact that Showbiz Tonight was the only MSM show willing to give 9-11, the most important story of our times, a fair shake- well that is pretty funny.
Alex Jones on Showbiz Tonight
I should also note that Amy Goodman hosted a debate between the makers of Loose Change and the editors of Popular Mechanics, who wrote a book attempting to debunk 9-11 Myths. Link Here. I thought that all 4 of them pretty much sucked.
The Venezuelans are outta the closet
South America needs nuclear weapons
David Ray Griffin on Democracy Now
He is very very good. He touches on an idea I like about the differences between deductive and inductive reasoning. My approach to 9-11 has been inductive, but it is now possible for me to make a deductive argument- a true thesis that ties everything together- but it goes so deep that I am stuck on the question: what is money. The answer of course is that money is power. Power is control.
From listening to Griffin speak, I get the feeling that he is quite possibly the most intelligent person in the 9-11 truth movement. I was about to write that Griffin dropped the ball when pressed to name a structral engineer by not naming Micheal Zebuhr, but then I realized that Zebuhr wasn't murdered until March 2006, and that this interview/debate was in 2004.
Curt Weldon and Able Danger
Some additional links on Able Danger,2933,167130,00.html
I just thought that I would link to this. If you search google video for Alex Jones this is one of many that you will find. It starts off with Alex giving a fiery speech and introducing Charlie Sheen, who also talks for about 10 minutes- and then it goes on from there.
Jones has been involved in exposing the truth about the NWO going back to at least the mid ninties I think, maybe earlier. One of the things I find funny is how Alex Jones is a conversative, you can call him a real conservative, or just far-right- he is a rightest populist, that is probably the best definition.
I don't think I ever really understood populism, or the meaning of it, until now. And now I found myself using quotes from Ron Paul who is a Republican from Texas, and involved in a tough re-election battle since Republicans hate him, and Barry Goldwater- the former senator from Arizona who had some not nice things to say about the CFR- and even looking into Pat Buchanon- and yet, at the same time understanding the full reality of NPR being Nat'l Petroleum Radio, and that would be considered a far left idea.
The difference between the far-right and the far-left is that the far-right are kooky politicians and conspiracy nuts, and that the far-left is found in academia. And thats just simply because the Social Construction of Reality doesn't make for a good campaign issue. But there are some leftist populist politicians out there- Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Evo Morales of Bolivia.
Alex Jones On The Social Construction of Reality
For anyone who is a fan of Jones I think this is an absolutely must watch. He can be hillarious sometimes. The maggot analogy is brilliant. Skip the first 10 or so minutes. This is brilliant stuff. Even if you prefer to think that Jones is crazy for thinking what he thinks, I don't see how you can't admit that he is brilliant after watching this.
Actually the bird cage liner analogy is even better.
Jones on the Military Commissions Act
These Jones reports are all really good stuff. He goes to a much deeper level during these than he does on his radio show. Everyone needs to look into just what the Military Commissions Act does. Its not good.
Jones On Why He Hates the NWO
This is good stuff.
The Sociobiology of Sociopathy: An Integrated Evolutionary Model
I first read this paper years ago, back in 2001 I think. Jones touches on some of the ideas presented in here in the segment above.
He also talks about the Pentagon, which I think is all very interesting. The segment is from May, next week when they release what is supposed to be a nice tape of the Pentagon , it appears that another one of Jones' predictions will be proven correct.
Will The DoubleTree Video Show Pentagon Impact?
U.S. Stalls On Human Trafficking
Outside the Law
Alex Jones in Waking Life
I first saw this movie in 2002 I think, but I had no clue who Alex Jones was at the time.
Police State 3: Total Enslavement
This is just great. What a fucked up world we live in.Google everything and think critically This lays it all out. This is 2.5 hours and after 40 minutes of watching it I have decided that it should be posted. I think this is a must watch for anyone who is still on the fence about just what exactely the new paradigm is.
I find it all totally amazing. I'm still freaked the fuck out but its just so insane to consider the world we live in. Its really scary though. I have cried about it.
The Paradigm Shift
A paradigm is simply a system of thinking. The term 'paradigm shift' was first used by American philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn, to describe changes to the basic underlying assumptions in science. Wikipedia lists the following paradigm shifts that have taken place
* The transition from a Ptolemaic cosmology to a Copernican one.
* The unification of classical physics by Newton into a coherent mechanical worldview.
* The shift in geometric outlook from particular structures to transformation group theory with Felix Klein's Erlangen Program.
* The transition between the Maxwellian Electromagnetic worldview and the Einsteinian Relativistic worldview.
* The transition between the worldview of Newtonian physics and the Einsteinian Relativistic worldview.
* The development of Quantum mechanics, which redefined classical mechanics.
* The acceptance of Plate tectonics as the explanation for large-scale geologic changes.
* The acceptance of Lavoisier's theory of chemical reactions and combustion in place of phlogiston theory, known as the Chemical Revolution.
* The movement, known as the Cognitive revolution, away from Behaviourist approaches to psychological study and the acceptance of cognition as central to studying human behaviour.
Social science is about to undergo a major paradigm shift from the 'left-right theory of government' to the globalist theory. It is really a change in political science above all else, but it has such far reaching implications across all of the various social science that make it the single most important theory unifying them all.
The left/right theory holds that the left and the right have been in a struggle for more government control on the left, and less government control on the right. The globalist theory holds that these are false choices that have been offered to us by the global elite, that both the left and the right have been working towards the same end: world government. George Orwell wrote about the false choice of communism in Animal Farm and the evils of capitalism in 1984.
If Perhaps Something Smells Fishy
Kennedy Assassination
This is the best movie I have ever seen. All rational human beings, who see the Zapruder film know that Oswald did not kill Kennedy . This movie explains who did.
Terror Storm
Terror Storm is the first video I saw related to 9-11 and it is very good. Terror Storm takes a very nice approach, because it provides a lot of background information- still ultimately not enough to truely understand the ideology and motives of those responsible in my opinion. Terror Storm spends a lot of time dealing with the 7-7 London Bombings.
Loose Change
Loose Change is the second video that I saw. Loose Change focuses almost solely on 9-11. And it isn't flawless; some of the things included in Loose Change, like some of the alleged hijackers still being alive overseas, come from unconfirmed reports. I think their coverage of the Pentagon is excellent though. Also take note of Willie Rodriguez, who is the janitor. His story is very important and he is apparently suing members of our government under RICO.
Jim Fetzer at the 9-11 Symposium
This guy is just excellent. Before retiring this year, Fetzer was a philosophy professor at the University of Minnesota Duluth. He gives the best treatment of the Pentagon attack that I've seen yet.
Steven Jones at the 9-11 Symposium
Steven Jones is one of the 9-11 truth movements biggest assets. He teaches physics at BYU. He discusses how thermate was used to melt the steel in order to bring down the WTC building.
Operation Mockingbird
The is a collection of calls made to Alan Colmes, who is supposed to be the liberal on Fox New's Hannity and Colmes show. Alan Colmes is in the same boat as Noam Chomsky and Amy Goodman (see below). I don't think any one realizes the extent to which the CIA controls the media in this country.
Here is a simple argument. I challenge anyone to attemp to discredit it. Noam Chomsky believes that Oswald shot Kennedy. Since no rational person can watch the Zapruder film and still believe that Oswald was the killer, then Chomsky is either A) Irrational, which we know he can't be B) Lying, or C) Intellectually dishonest.
Noam Chomsky and Amy Goodman were both educated at Harvard. Al Franken, who is a big part of Air America, was also educated at Harvard. Google Mike Malloy, who was recently fired from Air America after having Alex Jones on his show. But search deep, because google manipulates search results. Ralph Nader went to Harvard.
American Dictatorship
This film is about 1:30 and it covers a lot of different stuff. It starts off first by talking about Skull and Bones, the elite Yale secret society that both Bush and Kerry are a part off, and it goes from there and covers a ton of different and important issues. Most important for you might be John O'Neill, who was killed as he started his first day on the job as the new chief of security at the WTC on 9-11. Google it.
Alex Jones On Some New Video Games Coming Out
One of the thing I like the most about Alex Jones- and let me just say that Alex Jones is a conservative, not a fake conservative CIA operation. mockingbird asset like Sean Hannity, but a real conservative- and yet, you listen to him and you hear him throw out these sociological terms like 'cognitive dissonance', and 'suspension of disbelief'- And I like that because the conservatives that we're trained to think of would absolutely never use those types of terms.
These video games are absolutely terrifying to me because they answer the one overriding question that I have had for days and days in which I've duelved deeper into this media driven sham called America, and that question is: what is the plan? And when you combine that, along with the FEMA detention centers that are waiting for people all across this country, then we know that answer. And thats pretty fucking scary.
But wait- now that I have thought about a little more, and I think their plan is flawed.
As I continue to watch more and more of this I now remember the first night I met Julaine. I don't remember exactely what she was talking about, some ill in the world no doubt, but she said it was the illuminati and I chimed right in saying, "yeah, the fucking freemasons", or something like that, and thats how we hit it off. Funny. The film above gets into all of that, I think its important to watch the other films first because we aren't trained to handle the ideas presented in this film very well at all, and it takes alot of background.
Its really a damn shame that hardly any Americans know social science, because a socialpsych understanding helps so much in coming to terms with what is happening.