Friday, December 1, 2006

Truth, Lies, and The Legend of 9/11

Truth, Lies, and The Legend of 9/11
These articles by Chaim Kupferberg might be some of the most important articles ever written. On October 6, 2001, the Times of India wrote an article which did severe damage to the official narative. Their attempt to repair the leaky story is exposed for all the world to see. Read the article, and investigate. When I have more time I will provide a summary of both this article, and the earlier one I posted entitled The 9/11 Smoking Gun that Turned on its Tracker. Although both of these articles deal with highly interconnected subject matter, I would read The Smoking Gun first.

I wanted to note that this article repeats the claim that John O'Neill was killed on his first day on the job as the new security chief for the WTC. This has been repeated numerous times but is apparently false. More recent reports say that O'Neill had started two weeks earlier. And in fact, in a paper by Kuperberg which takes up the O'Neill thread, has O'Neill starting two weeks prior. According to the wikipedia page the false claim is attributed to
New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik who said "That Tuesday (9-11) was his first or second day on the job".

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